Developing an innovative IN-service Training model for ECEC Staff

Funding Programme

Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2


September 2023 - October 2026


Six partners from five European countries

The general objective of INTEC is to develop and spread an innovative approach to Early childhood education and care (ECEC) staff training based on European in-service continuing education.
To create a transnational Continuous Professional Development (CPD) competence curriculum for ECEC professionals
To develop a set of new training contents and courses for multiple target groups
To strengthen the European dimension of ECEC staff training through the development of a training approach based on transnational mobility

What we will develop

European curriculum for in-service training of ECEC

Five Training Courses For ECEC Staff

Intensive Training Course for pedagogical coordinators

Inservice Training Package for ECEC staff




First Meeting

First Transnational project Meeting Vänersborg  5-6 December 2023 On the 5th and 6th of December, the partners of INTEC met in Vänersborg to kick-off the INTEC project. During the meeting, partners from Italy, Spain, Belgium, Latvia and Sweden introduced each other and launched the project activities. The first step will be to build

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Welcome! W𝐞l𝐜o𝐦e o𝐧 𝐭h𝐞 𝐅a𝐜e𝐛o𝐨k p𝐚g𝐞 𝐨f t𝐡e I𝐍T𝐄C P𝐫o𝐣e𝐜t!Welcome on the website of the Intec Project!Intec Project is a project funded by Erasmus+ and will span a 36-month journey until October 2026. The consortium:Lead partner: Municipality of Vänersborg Sweden Emilia Romagna NetworkBambini Bicocca Erasmushogeschool Brussel Fundació Universitària Balmes – Universitat

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